google-site-verification=iUxCUgpoCQNGCS2CQuHi1L8aGqyfkykwcZUHtbSwrts The use of progeroid DNA repair-deficient mice for assessing anti-aging compounds, illustrating the benefits of nicotinamide riboside
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The use of progeroid DNA repair-deficient mice for assessing anti-aging compounds, illustrating the benefits of nicotinamide riboside

Frontiers in Aging

October 12, 2022

Birkisdóttir, María B.


Despite efficient repair, DNA damage inevitably accumulates with time affecting proper cell function and viability, thereby driving systemic aging...Previously, we demonstrated that a well-established anti-aging intervention, dietary restriction, reduced DNA damage, and dramatically improved healthspan, strongly extended lifespan, and delayed all aging pathology investigated. Here, we further utilize the short lifespan and early onset of signs of neurological degeneration in Ercc1Δ/− and Xpg−/− mice to test compounds that influence nutrient sensing (metformin, acarbose, resveratrol), inflammation (aspirin, ibuprofen), mitochondrial processes (idebenone, sodium nitrate, dichloroacetate), glucose homeostasis (trehalose, GlcNAc) and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) metabolism. While some of the compounds have shown anti-aging features in WT animals, most of them failed to significantly alter lifespan or features of neurodegeneration of our mice. The two NAD+ precursors; nicotinamide riboside (NR) and nicotinic acid (NA), did however induce benefits, consistent with the role of NAD+ in facilitating DNA damage repair...

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