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The Role of NAD+ in Regenerative Medicine

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery

September 28, 2022

Conlon, Nichola


...A wealth of evidence now demonstrates that a decline in cellular nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) is a feature of aging and may play a role in the process. NAD+ plays a pivotal role in cellular metabolism and is a co-substrate for enzymes that play key roles in pathways that modify aging. Thus, interventions that increase NAD+ may slow aspects of the aging trajectory, and there is great interest in methods for cellular NAD+ restoration. Given these recent advancements in understanding the cellular aging process, it is important that there is an integration between the basic scientists who are investigating the underlying mechanisms of cellular aging and the surgeons and aesthetic practitioners who are providing antiaging therapies. This will allow the effective translation of this vastly complex area of biology into clinical practice so that people can continue to not only stay looking younger for longer but also experience improved health and wellness.

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1. Health Supplements Are Not Medicines. Health Supplements that raise NAD levels, like nicotinamide riboside or other NAD precursors, are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


2. No Medical Advice. I am a lawyer and a journalist, not a doctor, and I offer no medical advice. But I do follow the science, and I can bring to your attention some interesting studies. You can read more about me here. And check with your physician -- your physician can look at this research, too.


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