google-site-verification=iUxCUgpoCQNGCS2CQuHi1L8aGqyfkykwcZUHtbSwrts Targeting sirtuin activity with nicotinamide riboside reduces neuroinflammation in a GWI mouse model
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Targeting sirtuin activity with nicotinamide riboside reduces neuroinflammation in a GWI mouse model


July 1, 2020

Joshi, Utsav


...Since nicotinamide riboside (NR)-mediated targeting of Sirt1 is shown to improve mitochondria function, we tested whether NR can restore brain bioenergetics and reduce neuroinflammation in a GWI mouse model...Fatigue-type behavior was elevated in GWI mice compared to control mice and lower in GWI mice treated with NR compared to untreated GWI mice. Levels of plasma NAD and brain Sirt1 were low in untreated GWI mice, while GWI mice treated with NR had higher levels, similar to those of control mice. Deacetylation of the nuclear-factor κB (NFκB) p65 subunit and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma coactivator 1-α (PGC-1α) was an increase in the brains of NR-treated GWI mice. This corresponded with a decrease in pro-inflammatory cytokines and lipid peroxidation and an increase in markers of mitochondrial bioenergetics in the brains of GWI mice. These findings suggest that targeting NR mediated Sirt1 activation restores brain bioenergetics and reduces inflammation in GWI mice. Further evaluation of NR in GWI is warranted to determine its potential efficacy in treating GWI...we propose that strategies to increase NAD levels via NR intervention will likely be therapeutically beneficial in GWI.

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