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Nicotinamide riboside supplementation confers marginal metabolic benefits in obese mice without remodeling the muscle acetyl-proteome


December 16, 2021

Williams, Ashley S.


Nicotinamide riboside supplements (NRS) have been touted as a nutraceutical that promotes cardiometabolic and musculoskeletal health by enhancing nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) biosynthesis, mitochondrial function, and/or the activities of NAD-dependent sirtuin deacetylase enzymes. This investigation examined the impact of NRS on whole body energy homeostasis, skeletal muscle mitochondrial function, and corresponding shifts in the acetyl-lysine proteome, in the context of diet-induced obesity using C57BL/6NJ mice...In general, whole body glucose control was marginally improved by NRS when administered at the midpoint of a chronic high-fat diet, but not when given as a preventative therapy upon initiation of the diet. Contrary to anticipated outcomes, the study produced little evidence that NRS increases tissue NAD+ levels, augments mitochondrial function, and/or mitigates diet-induced hyperacetylation of the skeletal muscle proteome.

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1. Health Supplements Are Not Medicines. Health Supplements that raise NAD levels, like nicotinamide riboside or other NAD precursors, are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


2. No Medical Advice. I am a lawyer and a journalist, not a doctor, and I offer no medical advice. But I do follow the science, and I can bring to your attention some interesting studies. You can read more about me here. And check with your physician -- your physician can look at this research, too.


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