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Pregnancy and post-partum are times of great metabolic disturbance, and the mouse studies show that maintaining NAD levels has an extraordinary impact not only on fertility and egg health before pregnancy, but also a long-term benefit for the pups of nursing moms that had adequate NAD. Whether these studies translate to humans remains to be seen.

Here are the studies:

Jun 17, 2023

Bone - Stem Cells - Reproduction - Pregnancy

Nature Communications

The NAD salvage pathway in mesenchymal cells is indispensable for skeletal development in mice

Warren, Aaron


Our studies demonstrate that administration of NR during pregnancy in mice can prevent severe developmental defects caused by genetic inhibition of NAD production. In view of the multiple clinical syndromes already linked to defective NAD production, our findings raise hope of their attenuation and perhaps prevention.

Jun 1, 2023

Reproduction - Sepsis

Eurasian Journal of Medicine

Nicotinamide Riboside Preserves Ovarian Injury in Experimental Sepsis Model in Rats

Selli, Jale


Our findings indicated that nicotinamide riboside diminished ovarian injury in sepsis via inhibiting tissue infiltration and increasing endogenous antioxidant capacity. Nicotinamide riboside administration may represent a new treatment approach for the prevention of sepsis-induced ovarian injury.

Mar 5, 2023

Reproduction - Pregnancy

Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry

Dietary supplementation with nicotinamide riboside improves fetal growth under hypoglycemia

Lee, Sang R.


NR recovered fetal growth by increasing blood glucose levels when artificial hypoglycemia was induced during pregnancy. Our study revealed the glucose-metabolic function of NR in hypoglycemic pregnant animals, suggesting NR as a dietary supplement to improve fetal growth. Because diabetic women suffer from hypoglycemia due to insulin therapy, NR has therapeutic potential for use as a glycemic control pill.

Feb 1, 2023

Reproduction - Fertility


Human ovarian ageing is characterized by oxidative damage and mitochondrial dysfunction

Smits, Myrthe A. J.


These findings indicate that oocytes of advanced maternal age suffer from oxidative damage and mitochondrial dysfunction.

Jan 13, 2023

Sepsis - Reproduction

Eurasian Journal of Medicine

Nicotinamide Riboside Preserves Ovarian Injury in Experimental Sepsis Model in Rats

Selli, Jale


Our findings indicated that nicotinamide riboside diminished ovarian injury in sepsis via inhibition of tissue infiltration and incresing of endogenous antioxidant capacity. Nicotinamide Riboside administration may represent a new treatment approach for the prevention of sepsis induced ovarian injury.

Dec 26, 2022

Reproduction - Fertility

Free Radical Biology and Medicine

Intermittent fasting reverses the declining quality of aged oocytes

Li, Chan


Just one month of every-other-day fasting was sufficient to improve oocyte quality [in mice]...Positive impact of intermittent fasting on aged oocytes was mediated by restoration of the nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+)/Sirt1-mediated antioxidant defense system, which eliminated excessive accumulated ROS to suppress DNA damage and apoptosis.

Oct 21, 2022

Kidney - Reproduction - Pregnancy


Low Nephron Number Induced by Maternal Protein Restriction Is Prevented by Nicotinamide Riboside Supplementation Depending on Sirtuin 3 Activation

Pezzotta, Anna


Evidence that has accumulated over the last three decades suggests that renal diseases start in utero...Low nephron number is one of the main contributors to chronic kidney disease (CKD) susceptibility in adulthood...Here, we show that a nephron number deficit and impaired renal architecture of mice born to mothers fed a low protein diet can be restored by NR supplementation during pregnancy through the induction of SIRT3 expression and activity...These findings have huge potential for clinical translation, given that inadequate nephrons at birth increase the risk in adulthood of hypertension and renal diseases. Chronic kidney disease affects over 10% of the adult population worldwide, with rising overall morbidity and mortality rates. In view of this, it is evident that prenatal kidney care is an important global health challenge.

Oct 1, 2022

Reproduction - Fertility


Nicotinamide Riboside supplementation ameliorated postovulatory oocyte quality decline

Li, Hui


NR treatment not only restored MII oocyte quality but also enhanced early embryonic development potential of postovulatory oocytes via alleviating mitochondrial dysfunction and maintaining normal spindle/chromosome structure. ...NR supplementation increases the oocyte quality and early embryonic development potential in post-ovulatory oocytes which could potentially increase the successful rate in assisted reproductive technology.

Sep 4, 2022

Reproduction - Fertility


Methods for Assessing Oocyte Quality: A Review of Literature

Lemseffer, Yassir


The rate of infertility continues to rise in the world for several reasons, including the age of conception and current lifestyle. We list in this paper potential non-invasive and invasive techniques to assess oocyte quality. We searched the database PubMed using the terms “oocytes AND quality AND evaluation”. In the first part, we study the morphological criteria, compartment by compartment, to then focus in a second part on more objective techniques such as genetics, molecular, apoptosis, or human follicular fluid that contain biologically active molecules. The main criteria used to assess oocyte quality are morphological; however, several other techniques have been studied in women to improve oocyte quality assessment, but most of them are invasive and not usable in routine.

May 28, 2022

Reproduction - Muscle - Postpartum


Nicotinamide Riboside Supplementation to Suckling Male Mice Improves Lipid and Energy Metabolism in Skeletal Muscle and Liver in Adulthood

Serrano, Alba


...Here, we studied the long-term programming effects of mild NR supplementation during the suckling period on lipid and oxidative metabolism in skeletal muscle and liver tissues using an animal model. ...These pre-clinical findings suggest that mild NR supplementation in early postnatal life beneficially impacts lipid and energy metabolism in skeletal muscle and liver in adulthood, serving as a potential preventive strategy against obesity-related disorders characterized by ectopic lipid accumulation.

Apr 21, 2022

Reproduction - Fertility

Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology

Effects of nicotinamide on follicular development and the quality of oocytes

Guo, Ziyu


The level of NAM in large follicles was significantly higher than that in small follicles. In mature FF, the NAM concentration was positively correlated with the rates of oocyte maturation and fertilization. Five mM NAM treatment during IVM increased maturation rate and fertilization rate in the oxidative stress model, and significantly reduced the increase of ROS levels induced by H2O2 in mice oocytes. Higher levels of NAM in FF are associated with larger follicle development. The supplement of 5 mM NAM during IVM may improve mice oocyte quality, reducing damage caused by oxidative stress...However, we found that an excessive NAM concentration inhibited the maturation and fertilization of oocytes.

Jan 1, 2022

Reproduction - Fertility

JBRA Assisted Reproduction

Oocyte quality and aging

Moghadam, ARE


It is well known that female reproduction ability decreases during the forth decade of life due to age-related changes in oocyte quality and quantity; although the number of women trying to conceive has today increased remarkably between the ages of 36 to 44. The causes of reproductive aging and physiological aspects of this phenomenon are still elusive. With increase in the women’s age, during Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART) we have perceived a significant decline in the number and quality of retrieved oocytes, as well as in ovarian follicle reserves. This is because of increased aneuploidy due to factors such as spindle apparatus disruption; oxidative stress and mitochondrial damage. The aim of this review paper is to study data on the potential role of the aging process impacting oocyte quality and female reproductive ability. We present the current evidence that show the decreased oocyte quality with age, related to reductions in female reproductive outcome...

Nov 29, 2021

Reproduction - Pregnancy - Stem Cells - Heart / Vascular

Cell Death & Disease

Nicotinamide promotes cardiomyocyte derivation and survival through kinase inhibition in human pluripotent stem cells

Meng, Ya


This study not only demonstrates nicotinamide as a useful factor for cardiomyocyte production in regenerative medicine, but also implicates that nicotinamide could have a profound impact on embryogenesis if it is prescribed during pregnancy.

Aug 6, 2021

Reproduction - Fertility

Human Reproduction

P–230 The NAD+ precursor nicotinamide riboside protects against postovulatary aging in vitro

Tianjie, L


The NAD+ precursor nicotinamide riboside can protect against postovulatary aging in vitro…

Jun 12, 2021

Reproduction - Pregnancy

Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition

Nicotinic acid supplementation at a supraphysiological dose increases the bioavailability of NAD+ precursors in mares

Pollard, Charley-Lea


NAD+ deficiency has recently been linked with increased occurrences of congenital abnormalities and embryonic death in human and animal subjects....Nicotinic acid supplementation increases the bioavailability of NAD+ precursors in mares, which is proposed to be beneficial during periods of peak NAD+ demand, such as during early embryo development.

Jun 1, 2021

Reproduction - Pregnancy


Nicotinamide and its effects on endothelial dysfunction and secretion of antiangiogenic factors by primary human placental cells and tissues

Brownfoot, Fiona


There has been interest in nicotinamide as a possible therapy for preeclampsia stemming from work by Li et al., demonstrating nicotinamide ameliorated preeclampsia like features in mouse models. Utilising primary human tissues we show nicotinamide had no effect on antiangiogenic factor secretion or on key markers of endothelial dysfunction. The lack of an effect on sFlt-1 secretion from primary human tissues is in keeping with animal studies

Apr 18, 2021

Reproduction - Pregnancy

ANZ Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology

Vitamin B3 levels in women who experience first‐trimester miscarriage

Yakob, Nurul A.


It was recently reported in mice that miscarriage can be prevented through the administration of niacin. We conducted a prospective, exploratory pilot study involving 24 women...Neither niacin intake (P = 0.24) nor urinary vitamin B3...predicted miscarriage. However,...there may be a threshold niacin level protective in miscarriage prevention warranting further investigation.

Mar 1, 2021

Poultry - Reproduction - Muscle

Poultry Science

The effects of in ovo nicotinamide riboside dose on broiler myogenesis

Xu, Xiaoxing


The objective of this study was to determine the effects of in ovo injection of nicotinamide riboside (NR) on broiler embryonic myogenesis....Chicks injected with NR had greater Pectoralis major muscle weight and length...Injecting developing embryos at day 10 of incubation increased hatched chick Pectoralis major muscle morphometrics, which were partly because of the NR catalyzed increase in muscle fiber density.

Sep 1, 2020

Reproduction - Pregnancy - Postpartum

Animal Feed Science and Technology

Maternal nicotinamide supplementation during late gestation and early lactation alters hepatic glucose and lipid metabolism in kids,

Wei, Xiaoshi


Nicotinamide supplementation promotes liver fat decomposition in kids. Nicotinamide supplementation starting from the prepartum period is essential for kids.

Aug 20, 2020

Reproduction - Fertility

Free Radical Biology and Medicine

Increasing ovarian NAD+ levels improve mitochondrial functions and reverse ovarian aging

Yang, Quingling


Loss of follicles together with decreased oocyte quality and quantity contribute to age-associated ovarian senescence and infertility. Although underlying mechanisms for ovarian senescence are still unknown, mitochondrial dysfunctions have been reported. Here, we showed age-dependent decreases in ovarian Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NAD+) levels in mice whereas supplementing aging mice with nicotinamide riboside (NR), an NAD+ precursor, increased ovarian NAD+ content. We found that increases in ovarian NAD+ levels in aging mice led to increased number of ovarian follicles and ovulatory potential as well as increased live birth rate...Our data suggested that supplementation with NAD+ precursors in vivo and in vitro could be potential therapeutic approaches for treating age-related ovarian infertility.

Jul 16, 2020

Poultry - Reproduction - Muscle

Translational Animal Science

In ovo feeding of nicotinamide riboside affects broiler pectoralis major muscle development

Gonzalez, John


The objective of this study was to examine the effect of nicotinamide riboside (NR) on pectoralis major muscle (PM) development and growth...There were no treatment × location or main effects for all body morphometric measurements (P > 0.07), except chest width of chicks from eggs injected in the yolk were wider (P = 0.01) than chicks from eggs injected in the albumen... Injecting NR into the yolk sac of the developing embryo at day 10 of incubation increased pectoralis major development which was due to an increase in muscle density.

May 7, 2020

Reproduction - Fertility

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA

Oocytes can efficiently repair DNA double-strand breaks to restore genetic integrity and protect offspring health

Stringer, Jessica M.


An adequate supply of healthy oocytes is essential for female fertility. Oocytes that sustain even very low levels of DNA damage are killed, presumably because the damage is irreparable. Surprisingly, however, we show that when apoptosis is inhibited, oocytes can repair severe DNA damage via homologous recombination repair. The repair is highly efficient; it protects fertility and ensures the health and genetic integrity of offspring. These data implicate DNA repair as an additional quality control mechanism available within the female germ line.

Feb 12, 2020

Reproduction - Postpartum


DNA Methylation Changes are Associated with the Programming of White Adipose Tissue Browning Features by Resveratrol and Nicotinamide Riboside Neonatal Supplementations in Mice

Serrano, Alba


Neonatal supplementation with resveratrol (RSV) or nicotinamide riboside (NR) programs in male mice brown adipocyte-like features in white adipose tissue (WAT browning) together with improved metabolism in adulthood...The results support epigenetic effects being involved in WAT programming by neonatal resveratrol or nicotinamide riboside supplementation in male mice.

Feb 11, 2020

Reproduction - Fertility - Pregnancy

Cell Reports

NAD+ Repletion Rescues Female Fertility during Reproductive Aging

Bertoldo, Michael J.


Declining oocyte quality is considered an irreversible feature of aging and is rate limiting for human fertility. Reversing an age-dependent decline in NAD(P)H restores oocyte quality, embryo development, and functional fertility in aged mice.

Dec 1, 2019

Reproduction - Fertility

Annals of Translational Medicine

Mitochondria: the panacea to improve oocyte quality?

Qi, Lingbin


Oocyte quality is one of the most important factors involving in female reproduction. The number of compromised oocytes will increase with maternal age, while mitochondrial dysfunction has implicated in age-related poor oocyte...In this review, we summarize the potential mechanism of mitochondria in oocyte and embryo development and discuss the next step for mitochondrial transfer therapy.

Nov 22, 2019

Reproduction - Fertility

Frontiers in Endocrinology

Impact of Oxidative Stress on Age-Associated Decline in Oocyte Developmental Competence

Sasaki, Hiroyuki


In this review, using the latest literature, we discuss the pathophysiology in which oocytes are more exposed and vulnerable to oxidative stress as they age, and the mechanisms by which oocyte quality is degraded.

Aug 24, 2019

Reproduction - Postpartum - Fat Metabolism - Obesity

Molecular Nutrition & Food Research

Programming of the Beige Phenotype in White Adipose Tissue of Adult Mice by Mild Resveratrol and Nicotinamide Riboside Supplementations in Early Postnatal Life

Serrano, Alba


Resveratrol and nicotinamide riboside supplementations in early postnatal life affect white adipose tissue's thermogenic/oxidative transcriptional phenotype and metabolic responses in adulthood, with upregulatory and beneficial effects evidenced in male animals.

Aug 13, 2019

Reproduction - Postpartum

Journal of Experimental Neuroscience

Why Is Mom Stressed: Homeorhesis as the Potential Problem and Nicotinamide Riboside as the Potential Solution

Brenner, Charles


...A new mother’s capacity for biosynthesis and functionally important nurturing is apparently limited by NAD. Here, we discuss homeorhetic flow of resources from a new mother to her offspring in the context of NAD metabolism and suggest avenues for future investigation....By boosting lactation, these mothers increased postgestational weight loss and produced pups that were larger at weaning.Unexpectedly, we found that the offspring of NR-supplemented mouse mothers are more adventurous in an open-field test, that weanling mice have better glycemic control if their mothers were NR supplemented, and that the weanling rats of supplemented mothers are learning-advantaged on a rotarod...Although the nutritional intervention only lasted for the 21 days in which new mothers nursed their pups, we discovered that the benefits of having a mother on NR last into mouse and rat adulthood. Specifically, we found that offspring of NR-supplemented mothers are less anxious, stronger, perform better on a beam walk, are more resilient to giving up in a forced swim, have better spatial memory, are advantaged in adult hippocampal neurogenesis, and have leaner body composition as adults.

Jun 1, 2019

Reproduction - Pregnancy - Postpartum

Animal Feed Science and Technology

Maternal nicotinamide supplementation during the perinatal period modifies the small intestine morphology and antioxidative status of offspring kids

Wei, Xiaoshi


Nicotinamide supplementation alleviates oxidative stress of does during the perinatal period. Perinatal Maternal nicotinamide supplementation improves the small intestinal morphology and immunity of the offspring kids. Nicotinamide supplementation starting from the prepartum period is essential for does and offspring kids.

Feb 21, 2019

Reproduction - Postpartum

Trends in Endocrinal Metabolism

NR Supplementation During Lactation: Benefiting Mother and Child.

Yang, Dengbao


By restoring NAD+ homeostasis, maternal nicotinamide riboside (NR) supplementation during lactation enhances postpartum weight loss, as well as juvenile development and adult neurogenesis in the offspring.

Feb 8, 2019

Reproduction - Postpartum - Fat Metabolism - Obesity

Frontiers in Physiology

Neonatal Resveratrol and Nicotinamide Riboside Supplementations Sex-Dependently Affect Beige Transcriptional Programming of Preadipocytes in Mouse Adipose Tissue

Asnani-Kishnani, Madhu


Modulation of the browning potential of adipose tissues through the intake of food bioactives in early life is a potential, yet still largely unexplored, strategy to enhance metabolic health in later life...Our studies are first to examine nutritional programming of adipose tissue metabolic features by NR and RSV supplements given directly to the lactating pups. ...The fate of preadipocytes resident in WAT of young animals toward the beige adipogenesis transcriptional program can be modulated by specific food bioactives/micronutrients [resveratrol and nicotinamide riboside] received in early postnatal life.

Feb 7, 2019

Reproduction - Pregnancy - Kidney - Lupus

Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications

Nicotinamide alleviates kidney injury and pregnancy outcomes in lupus-prone MRL/lpr mice treated with lipopolysaccharide

Imaruoka, Kenta


...NAM improved BP and kidney injury, prolonged pregnancy periods, and improved fetal growth in the pregnant MRL/lpr-LPS mice. The results suggest that SLE patients are prone to develop poor pregnancy outcome, and likely develop severe nephropathy and kidney inflammation. NAM may be a novel therapeutic option that improves kidney injury and pregnancy outcomes, thereby benefiting pregnant patients with SLE.

Jan 22, 2019

Reproduction - Postpartum

Cell Reports

Maternal Nicotinamide Riboside Enhances Postpartum Weight Loss, Juvenile Offspring Development, and Neurogenesis of Adult Offspring

Ear, Po Hien


...We tested the hypotheses that postpartum might dysregulate maternal NAD and that increasing systemic NAD with NR might benefit mothers and offspring...NR supplementation of new mothers increases lactation and nursing behaviors and stimulates maternal transmission of macronutrients, micronutrients, and BDNF into milk. Pups of NR-supplemented mothers are advantaged in glycemic control, size at weaning, and synaptic pruning. Adult offspring of mothers supplemented during nursing retain advantages in physical performance, anti-anxiety, spatial memory, delayed onset of behavioral immobility, and promotion of adult hippocampal neurogenesis. Thus, postgestational maternal micronutrition confers lasting advantages to offspring.

Dec 1, 2018

Reproduction - Poultry

Journal of Animal Science

Increasing the Concentration of In Ovo Injected Nicotinamide Riboside has a Positive Influence on Avian Myogenesis

Davis, S


All NR treatments had longer pectoralis major muscles than the saline treatment (PP0.41). Embryos treated with 10.0 and 2.5 mM NR had thicker pectoralis major muscles than saline injected embryos (PP=0.58).

Nov 26, 2018

Reproduction - Pregnancy

OA Journal of Pregnancy and Child Care

Beneficial effects of nicotinamide on the mouse model of preeclampsia

Huynh, Phillip


...The studies in rodent models thus clearly demonstrate that nicotinamide has the potential to reverse serious maternal sequelae of Preeclampsia to allow prolongation of pregnancy and improve infant outcomes, regardless of the cause that leads to PE. While translation of the findings made in mice to humans is not a simple issue, it is important to test the effects of this vitamin in humans because there is no real treatment available, and because even a few more days of intra-uterine life for the babies of human patients with early-onset PE would have real benefits.

Jun 29, 2018

Reproduction - Fertility

Frontiers in Endocrinology

Impact of Maternal Age on Oocyte and Embryo Competence

Cimadomo, Danilo


In this review, we provide a summary of the main putative causes for the age-related decrease in oocyte/embryo competence, along with the mechanisms underlying aging and the main clinical strategies proposed to prevent/limit the impact of advanced maternal age upon in vitro fertilization (IVF) success.

Feb 14, 2018

Reproduction - Pregnancy

The Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine

Vitamin B3 Nicotinamide: A Promising Candidate for Treating Preeclampsia and Improving Fetal Growth

Takahashi, Nobuyuki


Up to 8% of pregnant women suffer from preeclampsia (PE), a deadly disease characterized by high blood pressure (BP), blood vessel damage, called endotheliosis (vascular endothelial swelling with narrowing of capillary lumen), and high levels of protein in the urine. PE is often associated with premature delivery, which is a risk factor of cardiovascular and metabolic diseases among the offspring. Accordingly, establishing drug treatments of PE is in immediate needs...We have found that vitamin B3 nicotinamide (Nam) is the first safe drug that alleviates PE, and that Nam also alleviates or prevents miscarriage, prolongs pregnancy period, and improves the growth of the fetuses in mice with PE. Importantly, Nam has been used for pregnant and nursing women who have difficulty in taking sufficient meal. Nam could help treat or prevent PE and FGR associated with PE, if the treatment works in humans.

Aug 10, 2017

Reproduction - Pregnancy

New England Journal of Medicine

NAD Deficiency, Congenital Malformations, and Niacin Supplementation

Shi, Hongjun


Disruption of NAD synthesis caused a deficiency of NAD and congenital malformations in humans and mice. Niacin supplementation during gestation prevented the malformations in mice.

Aug 10, 2017

Reproduction - Pregnancy

New England Journal of Medicine

NAD Deficiency, Congenital Malformations, and Niacin Supplementation

Shi, Hongjun


Disruption of NAD synthesis caused a deficiency of NAD and congenital malformations in humans and mice. Niacin supplementation during gestation prevented the malformations in mice.

Nov 7, 2016

Reproduction - Pregnancy

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

Nicotinamide benefits both mothers and pups in two contrasting mouse models of preeclampsia

Li, Feng


Preeclampsia (PE), high blood pressure and protein in the urine in the last third of pregnancy, complicates about 1 in 20 human pregnancies, and it is one of the leading causes of pregnancy-related maternal deaths. The only definitive treatment, induced delivery, invariably results in premature babies. Blood pressure-lowering drugs help, but results in preventing preterm delivery and correcting the fetal growth restriction (FGR) that also occurs in PE have been disappointing. Here we show that feeding high doses of nicotinamide, a vitamin, improves the maternal condition, prolongs pregnancies, and prevents FGR in mice having PE-like conditions due to two contrasting causes. Because nicotinamide benefits both mothers and pups, it merits evaluation for preventing or treating PE in humans.

Feb 10, 2014

Reproduction - Pregnancy

British Journal of Nutrition

Maternal nicotinamide supplementation causes global DNA hypomethylation, uracil hypo-incorporation and gene expression changes in fetal rats

Tian, Yan-Jie


The present study found that maternal nicotinamide supplementation increased fetal body weight at the dose of 1 g/kg diet, but decreased fetal body weight at the dose of 4 g/kg diet...The human equivalent doses are about 13 and 52 mg/kg, respectively, which equals to approximately 780 and 3000 mg niacin for a 60 kg person, respectively.

Dec 1, 2012

Reproduction - Pregnancy - Diabetes

Current Medicinal Chemistry

Nicotinamide Supplementation Protects Gestational Diabetic Rats by Reducing Oxidative Stress and Enhancing Immune Responses

John, C.M.


The control group had elevated glucose and reduced insulin while nicotinamide (100 & 200 mg/kg) supplementation reversed these changes...These findings provide evidence for utilizing nicotinamide as supplement or adjunct to support existing therapeutic agents for gestational diabetes and in pregnant individuals with weakened immune systems.

NAD Research - Reproduction

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