google-site-verification=iUxCUgpoCQNGCS2CQuHi1L8aGqyfkykwcZUHtbSwrts Why Not Raise NAD by Inhibiting CD38?
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Photo of site author, Shelly Albaum

Shelly Albaum

Editor, Science of NAD

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Why Not Raise NAD by Inhibiting CD38?

If the problem is that the enzyme CD38 is chewing through all your NAD, it seems intuitive to want to plug the leak, to turn off the CD38. But that's probably a bad idea...

CD38 - Friend or Foe?

Indeed, many substances can suppress the activity of CD38, and when they do, NAD levels go up. And those increased NAD levels have shown positive impacts. But don't uncork the champagne just yet.

The good news, is that inhibiting NAD-degrading enzymes does raise NAD levels. The bad news is that we don't know much about the potential negative side-effects. Specifically, we don't know whether the CD38 is using up NAD in order to accomplish something important that we don't want stopped. CD38 inhibition would likely have unforeseen effects, as it is a highly complex molecule capable of numerous functions...

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